Business Intelligence Services & BI Consulting

Business Intelligence Solution For Your Company

We, at Intune Logistics, always strive to provide top-notch business intelligence service analysis and consulting. We build an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) cube with your company’s historical data and provide expert advice to ensure the improvement of daily reporting, operations, analysis, and insights sharing within your company.

To improve the existing enterprise, the business intelligence BI tool gives you an interactive summary view of your data without requiring you to download all of the transnational data.

You can get insights for key dimensions and measures as well as a means to quickly access high-level information and identify trends. Our BI service will help you not only collect data but also extract crucial information that would help you make decisions regarding the growth of your business. 

How Business Intelligence Service Can Help Your Company Grow

Business intelligence consulting helps small businesses and large enterprises grow by allowing you to make informed decisions solely based on business analysis and existing data. Choosing Intune Logistics for your business needs will help you: 

Gain data and insights regarding your business

Our effective data visualization solution gives you an interactive summary of your data that will help you derive knowledge regarding your processes, better understand your customers and their needs and optimize the processes within your company. 

Use data to define your growth strategy

The interactive reports will help you and your managers base your strategy decision solely on information rather than intuition and assumption allowing you to create sustainable growth strategies. 

Use data to create a successful business model

Our BI service will help you efficiently use your enterprise’s data to get a clear picture of the infrastructure and investment opportunities. 

Drive revenue for your company

By collecting and analyzing the information about your staff, customers, and business partners you can optimize and adjust your strategies to lower your expenses and increase your profits. 

Gain an advantage in your competitive environment

Better insights into your data mean valuable information regarding marketing, sales or finance, which will improve your products and services and will give you an advantage over competitors. 

Our BI expertise at a glance

Step into the data-driven world and grow your business with the customisable business intelligence tool for information integration, analytics, and innovative reporting. We will assist you to obtain insights from the data you are collecting and turn it into profits and valuable information.

Intune Logistics will assist you to obtain insights from the collected data and convert it into profits and successful business strategies in a few easy steps: 

Analyse your company’s specifications and create a unique approach. 

At the beginning of every new project, we take the time to gather information regarding your business, evaluate your goals and requirements and provide you with a custom BI solution that will fit your organization’s needs best. 


Integrate, collecting and transforming data

After establishing your business goals, Intune Logistics starts collecting your data from a variety of sources and puts it together where you can better analyse it. The collected data is transformed into a database system where you’re able to use and transform it. 

Data visualization and reporting

The BI tool helps you visualize the most important information regarding your business. Save yourself some time and make the right business decisions with Intune Logistics.