Professional Benchmarking Service & Impact Analysis

Tailored benchmarking and impact analysis based on data

Intune Logistics can utilize historical freight bill data and compare current pricing information upon the average for the industry based on real data to perform technical ‘What if’ scenarios. By determining areas of underperformance, you can make logistics decisions and establish shipping strategies that would save you money in the future.

We provide professional benchmarking and impact analysis service for any types of business, no matter what service you provide, or the size of the company. Constant requests include analyzing if it makes sense to switch carriers or to move a distribution center. Typically, impact studies utilize a year or more of historical data. 

Intune Logistics work with real data, leaving no space for assumptions or making decisions based on hunches. There is a lot of valuable information in your numbers, start utilizing it now! 

How Benchmark Service Can Help Your Company Grow

Benchmarking and impact analysis helps big and small companies grow by giving them opportunities to collect and analyze the enterprise’s data. Choosing Intune Logistics will enable you to make educated decisions solely based on industry analysis and existing data. 

Accumulate data and insights about your enterprise

Our competent benchmarking solution provides you with an interactive review of your data that will help you better understand your expenses and optimize the processes within your company. 

Use data to define your growth strategy

The technical reports will help you analyze your costs and base your shipment decision solely on information rather than intuition and assumption allowing you to lower unnecessary expenses.  

Drive revenue for your business

By gathering and analyzing the information regarding your shipment process and expenses, you can optimize and adjust your strategies to lower your expenses and increase your profits. 

Gain an advantage within your competitors

Better insights into your data mean relevant information regarding the shipment industry, which will improve your products and will grant you an edge over your competitors. 

Our Benchmarking Services Help You Get Answers To Questions Such As:

We will help you answer questions such as:

  • Is your estimated expense realistic?
  • Are there regional cost savings you’re not aware of? 
  • What are the estimated costs for traffic lanes? 
  • What are the estimated costs for shipment weight and mileage?
  • What are your costs compared to market trends?
  • How much money can you save?

Ready to Save Some Money?

Reach out and let us know more about your freight payment processes and allow us to show you how you can turn it in your advantage!